Makkah Umrah Taxi

Ziyarat places

Ziyarat is a common practice among Muslims, especially during special occasions such as Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Makkah. When visiting the ziyarat places, Muslims perform various rituals such as reciting prayers, making supplications, and offering gifts or charitable donations.

Ziyarat places in Makkah

A chance to visit Makkah is the ultimate blessing for many Muslims around the world. This is Islam’s holiest city: it is where the Prophet Muhammad was born and where the Quran was first revealed to him. The vast majority of visitors are pilgrims who spend as much time as they can within the opulent complex of the Grand Mosque, which is a hive of activity at all times.

Makkah, Saudi Arabia is the holiest city in Islam and is the destination of the annual pilgrimage (Hajj) for Muslims. There are many places of Ziyarat in Makkah, some of which are:

  • The Kaaba
  • Maqam Ibrahim
  • The Black Stone (Al-Hajar Al-Aswad
  • The Well of Zamzam
  • Mina
  • Arafat
  • Muzdalifah
  • Gar-e-Hira
  • Masjid UMERHA and Masjid Ayesha
  • Masjid AL-jorana and the Well
  • Jannat-ul-Muala
  • Sulah Hudaibiya
  • Masjid AL Ejabah
  • Masjid Jin
khana kabba makkah


It is the holiest place in Islam and the direction of prayer (Qibla) for Muslims worldwide.

The Kaaba, built by Prophet Ibrahim and his son Prophet Ismail as a shrine to the worship of one God.

Throughout Islamic history, the Kaaba has been a central point of pilgrimage and worship for Muslims, and the annual pilgrimage (Hajj) to Makkah is around the Kaaba.

The Kaaba is a symbol of unity and solidarity for the Muslim world and holds great religious and cultural significance and became a place for ziyarat in Makkah.

maqam-e-ibrahim ziyarat


Maqam Ibrahim is a stone platform located near the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque (Al-Masjid al-Haram) in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. It is the place where Prophet Ibrahim stood while building the Kaaba, which is the holiest site in Islam.

Maqam Ibrahim is the place where Prophet Abraham stood and called upon people to return to the worship of the one true God. A place of ziyarat in Makkah for Muslims, and visiting it during the annual pilgrimage (Hajj) or the lesser pilgrimage (Umrah) is a great act of worship.

Maqam Ibrahim is a symbol of the close connection between Prophet Abraham and the Kaaba and holds great religious and cultural significance for Muslims.



List of some more places that you shouldn’t miss when you go for ziyarat in Makkah :

Hajr-e-Aswad, The Black Stone was sent to Prophet Adam by the angel Jibrael. It has been a focus of Muslims for centuries.

Muslims kiss this stone during Hajj or umrah as a symbol of their devotion to God.

The Stone holds great religious and cultural significance for Muslims and is a symbol of the connection between humanity and the divine.

the well of zamzam ziyarat


The Well of Zamzam is a well near the Kaaba in the Saudi city of Makkah. It is a holy site by Muslims and was revealed to Hazrat Hajra (r.a), the Prophet Ibrahim’s wife, as a source of water for her son Ismael.

Pilgrims coming for ziyarat in Makkah consume the sacred water from the well during the annual Hajj pilgrimage. Drinking from the well has spiritual and physical benefits, and many Muslims bring Zamzam water home as a blessed souvenir.

ARAFAT ziyarat


A plain in Saudi Arabia called Arafat is close to Makkah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) preached his last speech there, making it one of the most sacred sites in Islam.

Most people know Arafat for hosting the main ceremony of the yearly Hajj pilgrimage. Millions of Muslim pilgrims congregate on the plain of Arafat on the ninth day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah. And carry out a series of ceremonies and prayers.

The Hill of Mercy, and the Jabal al-Rahmah, are two notable sites that Muslims see on the Arafat plain. Muslims see these locations as having immense spiritual value, and each year, millions of people travel from all over the world to visit them.

Muzdalifah Ziyarat


Muzdalifa is a plain in Saudi Arabia between Mina and Arafat, near Makkah. It is one of the best sites for ziyarat in Makkah by pilgrims during their annual Hajj pilgrimage.

Pilgrims travel to Muzdalifa after spending the day on the plain of Arafat, where they perform a series of rituals and prayers. They gather pebbles which, later Muslims throw for the symbolic stoning of the devil in Mina, which is the most significant of these. At Muzdalifa, pilgrims also perform the Maghrib and Isha prayers and perform it together.

Muzdalifa is a spiritually significant site for Muslims, and it is as a time of reflection and renewal.

Muzdalifa is a plain in Saudi Arabia between Mina and Arafat, near Makkah. It is one of the best sites for ziyarat in Makkah by pilgrims during their annual Hajj pilgrimage.

The plain also has a number of mosques and rest areas to accommodate the large number of pilgrims who visit during the Hajj.

list of some more places that you shouldn’t miss when you go for Ziyarat in Makkah.



On the Jabal Al-Noor Mountain in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, the cave known as Hira’s Cave is where the term “Gar e Hira” Originates. Because that is where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) first heard from Allah through the angel Gabriel, it is one of the important events in Islamic history. A significant Muslim pilgrimage destination, the Cave of Hira has another name, which is “Mountain of Light.”

masjid-e-aisha ziyarat


Masjid e Aisha, commonly referred to as Masjid e Taneem or Taneem Mosque, is a well-known location for travelers doing the Umrah and Hajj pilgrimages. Its name is after Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad. The history of the Masjid e Ayesha explains why it is a Miqat, or location, for wearing in Ihram attire.



A plain in Saudi Arabia called Arafat is close to Makkah. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) preached his last speech there, making it one of the most sacred sites in Islam.

Most people know Arafat for hosting the main ceremony of the yearly Hajj pilgrimage. Millions of Muslim pilgrims congregate on the plain of Arafat on the ninth day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah to carry out a series of ceremonies and prayers.

The Hill of Mercy, the Jabal al-Rahmah, and the Mosque of Mercy are three notable sites that Muslims see on the Arafat plain. Muslims see these locations as having immense spiritual value. And each year, millions of people travel from all over the world to visit them.



In the Saudi Arabian city of Makkah, there is a cemetery called Jannat-ul-Maulla. Many of the companions and family members of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) are buried there, making it one of Islam’s holiest cemeteries. A cemetery is a place of pilgrimage for ziyarat in Makkah for religious purposes.



Near Hudaybiyyah, a well in modern-day Saudi Arabia that is close to Makkah, the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah was signed. The well—which bears the treaty’s name—is regarded as a significant site in Islamic history. The well, which is around 10 kilometers from Makkah, is a place of pilgrimage for Muslims who come to the area to practice their religion.



In Islamic history and practice, Masjid Al-Ejabah is a mosque. This mosque’s location is in the Arabian Peninsula where the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) and his companions live. In Islamic history and legend, the Prophet and his followers constructed a large number of mosques. Each of which had a distinct past and meaning.



In Makkah, Saudi Arabia, next to Jannat Al-Mualla, there is a modest mosque, Masjid Al Jinn. Due to its Islamic importance, it has another name “the Mosque of Guards” and the Mosque of Allegiance (Masjid al-Bayah). The Masjid is one of the city’s oldest and most significant mosques.
The Quran’s surah (chapter) Al-Jinn makes reference to the location of Masjid Al Jinn. It was constructed at the location where a sizable gathering of jinn came to hear the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), recite verses from the Quran. Later, when the Prophet encountered these jinns there, they vowed loyalty to him and accepted Islam.

So these were the most famous and important places for ziyarat in Makkah and Madina that you must visit when you go for ziyarats. these have their own historical significance and are very remarkable places for Muslims